Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pole Fetish 2009

Check out the awesome photos from That Guy Gil!  We love him because he makes us all look soooooo good!

check it out:

We have also posted these pictures AND MORE on our Facebook page (Just become a Fan of Studio Soiree) and on our MySpace Page 

Thanks again, Gil!


  1. Hey there,

    I was checking my blog for updates and saw Studio Soiree being a "follower", I would like to use the term "supporters" though. This is an honor to me! Or was it an accidental click?

    Anyhow, you're welcome to my blog to view my progress and also to know how pole dancing is in my country - Malayisa - it was just introduce to us last year!

    Alrighty then, you guys rock on and stay fit! What a slamming skills you guys have, seen your youtube videos before this too ;)

  2. Thanks! And, NO, Not a mistake - we want to follow (or Support) all our Pole Sisters (and some brothers!) out there!
