Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy Weekend at the Studio

You know how sometimes you putter along in your week....rather boring, nothing special happening, then ALL OF A SUDDEN, someone tells you about an event or party or something really fun to do over the weekend and then your week changes?  Like, it gets more anticipatory?  Like, you are 12 again and you KNOW you get to go to Disneyland on Saturday?  

Well, I am here to make a difference in your weekend.  What are Blogging Friends for?  Here are two events both this weekend, sure to make your week more exciting as you count down the days!

FRIDAY, JUNE 5 at Studio Soiree


Be there at 9:00pm for a fun fun fun party that doubles as a benefit for our Sara's daughter, Kia, and a welcome home party for Sara's Soldier husband, Page.  He just got back from Afghanistan where he spent time sleeping through sand storms, avoiding gun fire, dodging those nasty camel spiders we've all seen on YouTube, and NOW, you have a chance to say "THANKS"!

This party is also the last chance for all of us to help Sara and Page send Kia to Europe with the People to People program.  Sara has been doing all sorts of fun fundraisers over the past few months and this is the next to last chance you will get to be part of the group that will get to say "I was a part of this!" So, bring your checkbook or some cash and give as freely as you can.  EVERY donation is accepted!  

While there will be some alcohol at the studio, we encourage you to bring your own and share with friends.  

See you at the Studio at 9:00pm on June 5th.  Bring your friends!


Is your car dirty from the blasted rain we have been experiencing? Don't Fear!  We are having a Car Wash!  And, OUR car wash involves beautiful ladies wearing Bikinis!  What's not to love!  This is THE VERY LAST fundraiser to help our own Sara's daughter Kia get to Europe.  Bring all your dirty cars and let Sara and her bevy of beautiful friends wash them clean!

SATURDAY, JUNE 6 starting at 10:00am At the Lone Star Steak House Parking Lot

Lone Star Steak House Parking Lot
2100 South 1250 East

Car Wash, and a lemonade stand run by Kia!  


  1. How late will the party be going on Friday?? I'll be at work until 10:30-11 ish. So, if you're all still rockin', I'll stop by!

  2. Too bad I'm in Malaysia ;) I'm sure it'll be of great fun!

    By the way, how did the competition go Mel? I hope you had a great experience. Me myself will be competiting this coming Saturday (2nd pole competition in Malaysia)!!! So nervous, I only learnt pole dance for 3months and already signed up for competition, not sure what I was thinking then, tsk tsk.

    I'll give my best of what I've learnt, wish me luck aite!
